Clothes Avenue

Why Ear Candling?:-

*Our Ear Candles are made of ORGANIC materials*

Q1. What is Ear Candling?:-
A1: Ear Candling is a natural, non-intrusive procedure that may help alleviate the painful effects of Ear Candling helps to dry out these areas.f chronic headaches or sinus conditions, ear infections, allergies or vertigo, as well as minor hearing loss due to excessive earwax build up.

Q2: How can Ear Candling help me?:-
A2: Dry hacking cough: Many coughs are a direct result of a sinus infection. The inner ear and small sinus cavities get blocked with mucus and infection sets in. Ear Candling helps drain and dry out the small, dark places where germs live and multiply.
Ear Candle aids in clearing the following:-
1. Sinus headaches: Blockages in the inner ear or sinus cavities can cause pressure to build. Ear Candling can help to open blocked passages.
2. Tinitus: Ringing in the ears can be a cause of dehydration coupled with wax buildup. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of pure water per day. Then the Ear Candling procedure can help break down the wax.
3. Itchy ears: This could be caused from an abundance of yeast in the body, creating a situation of Candida (too much sugar in the body). The Candida starting in the intestines and traveling up into the eustashion tube, can get into the sinus and ear canal.

Q3: How does it work?
A3: It is believed as the candle burns, gentle warm smoke is drawn into the ear canal that softens and loosens candida, wax, and other debris through osmosis. This means anything on the other side of the eardrum turns into a gas form to pass through the ear drum membrane. It is then collected into the remaining unburned portion of the candle. 

Q4: Is ear candling for everyone?-
A4: NO! You should not have ear candling performed if you have any damage to the eardrum, ear tubes, congenital hearing loss, ankylosis of the stapes, acute mastoiditis, or recent surgical procedures to the ear.

 Q5: Is Ear Candling painful?-
Q5: NO!..Ear Candling is not painful at all,which is the opposite of manual ways of Ear wax removal. In fact, many report the experience is surprisingly relaxing and soothing, in which some falls asleep during the process. 

Q6: What to expect during the process?-
A6: You may hear crackling sounds during your session - this is normal, and not uncomfortable.

Q7: Why should I buy Ear candle & Do it @ home?-
A7: Each Ear Candling session costs more than S$20 when performed in a Facial salon etc, just with the additional massaging session.

 Q8: What to prepare for the Ear Candling session?- A8: *You should always have someone perform this procedure for you, as the flame could be hazardous if not properly managed. * Items to prepare:-
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • Matchsticks/ Lighter
  • Some Tissue (to cut the candle paper after using, to see the ear wax
  • Cutter (cut the candle paper after use) / u can tear it
Q9: What is the Ear Candling process like?-
  1. Lie at 1 side of the body
  2. Light up 1 of the aromatherapy ear candle (the bell mouthed end)
  3. Insert into the ear perpendiculary(90 degress).
  4. When it burns to the line (shown on the candle), remove it from the ear.
  5. Dip the candle into the cup of water for the flame to die off.
  6. Peel/Cut the ear candle to see your ear wax

    Repeat from Step 1 again for the other ear.. 

    My personal review: I have always experienced PAIN during manual Ear wax removal process. After using the ear candle, I slept better & fell sick lesser & also i bid good bye to the painful earwax removal forever

Organic Ear Candles

1. Color = Red
Aroma = Romantic Rose
Description = Moisturizer, whitening, anti-wrinkle, urge the sentiment, anti-melancholy, the affable pressure, the joyful mood.

2. Color =Coffee
Aroma = Sandalwood
Description = The senile skin makes up the water, to cause the skin soft, to eliminate the wrinkle to nourish the skin, to increase the elasticity, to eliminate the spirit depressed, calm, to urge calmly.

3. Color =Purple
Aroma =Lavendar
Description = Rests sweetly, eliminates the spirit tired and each kind of illness which the pressure causes.

4. Color = White
Aroma =Peppermint
Description = To eliminate the acne, black, the dark sore, the contraction pore, to stimulate awakes the brain, comforts the mood, the relieve fatigue, the centralized attention .

5. Color = Blue
Aroma = Mild RoseMary
Description = Relieves all discomfort due to fatigue, stress & slimming.

6. Color = Yellow
Aroma = Bergamot
Description = Useful for anxiety, depression, and stress relaxed conditions, having a refreshing and uplifting quality.

7. Color =Orange
Aroma = Warm Orange
Description = Calm, balanced volatile oil, may eliminate nervously, agitated, relief pressure.

8. Color =Green
Aroma = Tea Plant
Description = To contraction pore, awakes the brain, relief pressure and spirit tired.